The council of Europe and the reduction of statelessness
Scharer, R. (2006). The council of Europe and the reduction of statelessness. Refugee Survey Quarterly. 25(3). 33-39. The Council of Europe has for a long time made significant efforts with regard to the avoidance and reduction of statelessness. Based on the fundamental principle that everyone has the right to a nationality, enshrined in article 15 … Continue reading The council of Europe and the reduction of statelessness →
Criminalization and Victimization of Migrants in Europe
please find below the table of contents of Criminalization and Victimization of Migrants in Europe and the link to the full book (pdf): **CONTENTSIntroduction, Salvatore PALIDDA General aspects– Media and the war on immigration, Marcello MANERI– The Detention Machine, Federico RAHOLA– The U.S. Penal Experiment, Alessandro De GIORGI– The methamorphosis of asylum in Europe, … Continue reading Criminalization and Victimization of Migrants in Europe →