The 19-member Global Commission on International Migration (GCIM) released a six-chapter consensus report on 5 October 2005 calling on all nations to respect the human rights of migrants and recommending a new Interagency Global Migration Facility to help coordinate migration policies at the regional and eventually global level. The GCIM mandate was to put migration on the global agenda, to highlight gaps in policy responses to people crossing national borders, and to examine links between migration and other global issues. The report includes six principles and 33 more specific recommendations aimed at creating a comprehensive global framework in six broad areas: migrants in a globalizing labour market, migration and development, irregular migration, migrants in society, the human rights of migrants, and the governance of migration. Of the 33 recommendations, 25 are directed primarily at developed or receiving countries, 15 to sending countries, and eight to the international community. Many of these recommendations have been made previously, and some are included in earlier United Nations’ system reports and declarations.