The Economic Integration of Refugees in Canada: A Mixed Record?
By Lori Wilkinson and Joseph Garcea Since the fall of 2015, refugee resettlement in Canada has risen dramatically as the Trudeau government committed itself to admitting at least 25,000 Syrian refugees—a goal accomplished by the end of February 2016. As Canada expands its resettlement efforts, ensuring the labor-market integration and self-sufficiency of these new arrivals … Continue reading The Economic Integration of Refugees in Canada: A Mixed Record? →
Adaptation and Devastation: The Impact of the Conflict on Trade and Markets In Darfur. Findings of a Scoping Study
This scoping study describes the importance of trade to the Darfur economy and to a wide range of rural and urban livelihoods. Over the past five years trade in livestock and cash crops have been devastated by conflict, insecurity and a prohibitive tax regime, while trade in locally produced grain has all but collapsed.
Livelihoods, Power and Choice: The Vulnerability of the Northern Rizaygat, Darfur
This exploratory study illustrates the particular vulnerability of camel-herding pastoralists who are associated with the pro government janjaweed militia. This report challenges the widely held misperceptions about their vulnerability and presents a detailed series of recommendations. Lessons learned from this very specific case from Darfur are critical for a lasting peace and have much wider … Continue reading Livelihoods, Power and Choice: The Vulnerability of the Northern Rizaygat, Darfur →
Livelihoods, Migration and Conflict: Discussion of Findings from Two Studies in West and North Darfur, 2006 – 2007
Livelihoods, Migration and Conflict: Discussion of Findings from Two Studies in West and North Darfur, 2006 – 2007. Young, Jacobsen et al. This report discusses findings from a study conducted in Darfur from 2006-8 that explored the changing role of migration and remittances in the livelihoods of conflict-affected people. It illustrates the shifts in livelihood … Continue reading Livelihoods, Migration and Conflict: Discussion of Findings from Two Studies in West and North Darfur, 2006 – 2007 →
Changing Roles, Shifting Risks: Livelihood Impacts of Disarmament in Karamoja, Uganda
The Feinstein International Center is pleased to release a new report on the Karamoja region of Uganda: Changing Roles, Shifting Risks: Livelihood Impacts of Disarmament in Karamoja, Uganda By Elizabeth Stites and Darlington Akabwai Changing Roles, Shifting Risks is the result of the first phase of a partnership with Save the Children … Continue reading Changing Roles, Shifting Risks: Livelihood Impacts of Disarmament in Karamoja, Uganda →