Genocide and its aftermath: The case of Rwanda.
This article describes the experiences of returnees from exile into Kigali, Rwanda and the efforts of the Government of Rwanda (GoR) and the UNHCR to meet the needs of returnees, and to deal with the aftermath of the genocide. Particular attention is paid to the Gacaca courts and the role of social work therein. We … Continue reading Genocide and its aftermath: The case of Rwanda. →
Of wolves and men: Postwar reconciliation and the gender of inter-national encounters.
This article confronts the grammar of liberal reconciliation discourses with the gendered practices of post-war encounters. After violence that is considered national, meetings between people of different nationalities, and the reconciliation of which they are seen to be a vanguard, tend to be considered as morally good in and of themselves. This article subjects such liberal reconciliation … Continue reading Of wolves and men: Postwar reconciliation and the gender of inter-national encounters. →
Displacement, transitional justice and reconciliation: Assumptions, challenges and lessons
This policy briefing explores the links between reconciliation, forced migration and transitional justice, bringing into focus the ways in which displaced persons figure in transitional justice processes, and the potential implications of this involvement for reconciliation. The briefing addresses the interlinked conceptual and practical challenges associated with trying to advance reconciliation in post-conflict societies affected … Continue reading Displacement, transitional justice and reconciliation: Assumptions, challenges and lessons →
Changing Roles, Shifting Risks: Livelihood Impacts of Disarmament in Karamoja, Uganda
The Feinstein International Center is pleased to release a new report on the Karamoja region of Uganda: Changing Roles, Shifting Risks: Livelihood Impacts of Disarmament in Karamoja, Uganda By Elizabeth Stites and Darlington Akabwai Changing Roles, Shifting Risks is the result of the first phase of a partnership with Save the Children … Continue reading Changing Roles, Shifting Risks: Livelihood Impacts of Disarmament in Karamoja, Uganda →
Tradition in Transition: Drawing on the Old to Develop a new Jurisprudence for dealing with Uganda’s Legacy of Violence
On Thursday 10th July 2009, a Working Paper, Tradition in Transition: Drawing on the Old to Develop a new Jurisprudence for dealing with Uganda’s Legacy of Violence, was launched by Principle Judge, Hon. Justice James O. Ogoola. The Paper is a result of extensive field studies conducted in the districts of Moroto, Abim, Kotido, … Continue reading Tradition in Transition: Drawing on the Old to Develop a new Jurisprudence for dealing with Uganda’s Legacy of Violence →