
(English) The Humanitarian-Development Nexus: Opportunities for Canadian Leadership

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Child and Youth Migration: Mobility-in-Migration in an Era of Globalization

Migration across multiple borders is a defining feature of the time in which we live, and children are central to this contemporary migration phenomenon. A core aim of this volume is to contribute at an empirical level to knowledge about the intersection between children, migration, and mobilities by highlighting underresearched child and youth short-term and … Continue reading Child and Youth Migration: Mobility-in-Migration in an Era of Globalization

Emergency Humanitarian Appeals and Gaza’s On-going Destruction: The Case of Failed Accountability and Sustainability

The PA continues to pose long lists of areas and needs without strategic thinking and analytical approaches that represent a framework to de-colonize Palestinian lands by investing in land, development and systems to challenge the economic constraints of the Israeli occupation. Some key questions for stakeholders moving forward, include whether international aid will continue to … Continue reading Emergency Humanitarian Appeals and Gaza’s On-going Destruction: The Case of Failed Accountability and Sustainability

Technical, Vocational, and Entrepreneurial Capacities in Southern Sudan: Assessment and Opportunities

In 2006, Plan International entered into a partnership with the Government of Southern Sudan(GOSS) to support the development of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in theregion. This study reports on this work, extending a growing body of research based at the Centre forRefugee Studies, York University, and informing the work of Plan International … Continue reading Technical, Vocational, and Entrepreneurial Capacities in Southern Sudan: Assessment and Opportunities

Aid and Violence: Development Policies and Conflict in Nepal

  The Feinstein International Center is pleased to announce a new report:   Aid and Violence: Development Policies and Conflict in Nepal A Background Report by Francesca Bonino and Antonio Donini   The Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) launched its “People’s War” in 1996. The Maoists’ rise to power was impressive by any standard. After … Continue reading Aid and Violence: Development Policies and Conflict in Nepal