
The Excluded: The strange hidden world of the stateless

The Excluded: The strange hidden world of the stateless, Refugees Magazine, No. 147, Issue 3, 2007  

INEE Toolkit

INEE is pleased to announce the launch of the new INEE Toolkit at The INEE Toolkit contains a wide variety of practical, field-friendly tools and resources to guide educationalists, humanitarian workers and government officials working in the field of education in emergenciesthrough to recovery. With the input of many INEE members, the original Toolkit … Continue reading INEE Toolkit

Migration as preservation and loss: The paradox of transnational living for Low German Mennonite women

AbstractThroughout history, Low German Mennonites have executed collective migrations to preserve their religious integrity. Their contemporary migrations to North America are not collective orchurch-sanctioned, but economically-motivated. This paper explores the intertwined processes of gender and religion in transnational social spaces through the destination experiences ofMennonite women in Canada. The paradoxes of the transnational social field, … Continue reading Migration as preservation and loss: The paradox of transnational living for Low German Mennonite women

Changing Roles, Shifting Risks: Livelihood Impacts of Disarmament in Karamoja, Uganda

  The Feinstein International Center is pleased to release a new report on the Karamoja region of Uganda:   Changing Roles, Shifting Risks: Livelihood Impacts of Disarmament in Karamoja, Uganda By Elizabeth Stites and Darlington Akabwai   Changing Roles, Shifting Risks is the result of the first phase of a partnership with Save the Children … Continue reading Changing Roles, Shifting Risks: Livelihood Impacts of Disarmament in Karamoja, Uganda