Critical Issues in International Refugee Law Research Workshop
The Critical Issues in International Refugee Law Research Workshop is an initiative that seeks to bring together distinguished Superior and High court judges, legal scholars, leading academics, officials from senior governmental and international organizations like the UNHCR and other UN agencies, and other interested parties, to consider a limited number of critical issues in international refugee law. … Continue reading Critical Issues in International Refugee Law Research Workshop →
Comparative Research on Safe Country of Origin Policies
This project will explore the interrelationships between irregular migration and repressive measures targeting migrants including asylum seekers. In particular, it will examine how such measures affect the incidence of and negative effects associated with irregular migration. The project aims to better measure and improve the effectiveness of the Canadian asylum system, and counter-terrorism strategy and … Continue reading Comparative Research on Safe Country of Origin Policies →
Comparative Research on Refugee Status Determination Systems
Work on this project has operated as a catalyst to cement the relationship amongst the University of Ottawa, Harvard University, Queen’s University, University of British Columbia, and University of Victoria. Founded in September 2011, the Canadian Association of Refugee Lawyers (CARL) emerged directly out of a research cluster that was formed under the RRN project … Continue reading Comparative Research on Refugee Status Determination Systems →