Canadas first graduate program devoted to advanced study of immigration policy, services and experience was launched in September 2004 at Ryerson University.
The Master of Arts in Immigration and Settlement Studies is an innovative new program that will explore immigration trends, policies & programs in Canada from multi-disciplinary perspectives. Available in both full-time and part-time study options, this program:
- will be the only graduate program in the country that focuses solely on the consequences and opportunities arising from transnational human mobility as it relates to Canada
- is located in the metropolis that is the destination of more than 43% of all immigrants to the country, and more than two-fifths of its population is foreign-born and could not, therefore, be more appropriately placed
- is designed to cater to the needs of both research- and professionally-oriented students
- caters to the needs of students wishing to undertake the program on either a full-time or part-time basis and there will be no difference in the program taken by full-time and part-time students
- provides a practicum with unique opportunities for students to gain first-hand experience with leading government and community based immigration service organizations
- requires students to undertake a Research Paper as a specialized topic of study
- will be conducted in a multi-disciplinary environment — bringing together researchers from a variety of disciplines
- ensures that all graduate student will have an opportunity to interact with other researchers from government, community agencies and partners from other universities in the Metropolis Project, and the Joint Centre for Research in Immigration and Settlement (CERIS)
- prepares graduates for careers in many community, government and private positions, as well as further academic pursuits.