Working in concert: Building common ground for the global governance of migration

In the lead up to the 2010 Global Forum on Migration and Development, ICMC has released its latest report, Working in concert. The report expands on the earlier report, Connecting the dots, and represents a synthesis of findings borne of the informal dialogue that was held with a broad range of senior migration actors to help stimulate public discourse of the need of a global governance of migration, facilitate relevant benchmarks and encourage decision makers to take up the cause with appropriate urgency.

Migrants are dreamers, workers and entrepreneurs.  They often risk everything for a different and better life for themselves and their families, while their diversity of ideas, experiences and energies help to renew societies.  But as a deeply emotional reality, migration also packs fears and perceptions that create anzieties for citizens of all backgrounds, in all of our lands. 

In view of all of these reasons and contradictions, ICMC held a series of Conversations on the Global Governance of Migration over the twelve months of October 2009 through October 2010 to build a process that would bring political leaders, policy makers, civil society and business leaders together:

  • To help think through this policy and political challenge
  • To help retain and reinforce what is working well
  • To help find the will to rethink and rebuild, where new realities demand it
  • To help to try and “get right” the international politics of the issue

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